Mood knob
If only it were that easy. Great pic by BKWellcome on Flickr.
If only it were that easy. Great pic by BKWellcome on Flickr.
Well, it appears to be widget day here – I am just loading up the right side of this page with all manner of badges and doohickeys. Today I added:
Of course, in an RSS reader, none of this stuff appears on the right, and I’m just crazy. Go figure.
Via gl, I took the Which ancient language are you? quiz (who the hell thinks this stuff up) and got:
You are Akkadian, a blend of the incomprehensible symbols of the Sumerians with the unwritable sounds of the early Semitic peoples. However, the writing just doesn’t suit the words and doesn’t represent everything needed, so you end up a schizoid mess. Invented in Babylon, you’re probably to blame for that tower story. However, crazy as you are, you’re much loved and appreciated, and remain actively in use by records keepers long after schools have switched to other languages.
Link: The Which Ancient Language Are You Test written by imipak on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Normally I skip the “Which Dr Who Plushie Are You if Dr Who Plushies Were Star Trek Characters Climbing Mount Doom”-type quizzes, but this was quirky.
Linux Tip: Smooth out your fonts in Ubuntu – Lifehacker:
Ubuntu Feisty users: Improve the look of your fonts in 2 minutes flat by installing a few packages.
Ah, that’s what the futzmonkey always says. Three hours later you’re sitting in a pile of config files with a headache and no job or family. But you have extremely smooth subpixels.
Technorati Tags: futzmonkey, geek, linux, ubuntu
The talk went well and was well received, though I am not nearly as good a speaker as Martin or Robert; I need to read from the script. I was actually sad I couldn’t spend more time at ALA. I had wanted to go to the bloggers’ salon on Sunday night, but my train was stuck outside Washington for over an hour. Quite frustrating. The engine overheated; we eventually had to cram ourselves onto the next train to DC. By the time I finally made it to my hotel I was exhausted and just wanted a beer and sleep. Next year. I’m thinking of going to LITA Forum in October, though. Now back to packing books to be shipped out for scanning…
Links to the Powerpoint and Word doc.
Beautiful Jack Kirby comic adaptation of 2001: a Space Odyssey. A lot of comic artists use big blocks of black well, but Kirby was also a master of whitespace. And I’ve always loved the way he drew hands since I was a kid.
Scobleizer – Tech Geek Blogger » Niall leaves Microsoft
Good news for NewsGator, though, since NewsGator already has a decent synchronization platform.
IDEA – The International Dialects Of English Archive
The International Dialects of English Archive, IDEA, was created in 1997 as a repository of primary source recordings for actors and other artists in the performing arts. Its home is the Department of Theatre and Film at the University Of Kansas, in Lawrence, KS, USA; while associate editors form a global network. All recordings are in English, are of native speakers, and you will find both English language dialects and English spoken in the accents of other languages.
Found via Ruminations. Interesting listening. – A worthy goal for soccer:
Perhaps the rest of the world is happy with the game as it is and don’t care whether Americans fall in love with it or not. Despite the writer’s attempts to head off the “ugly American” label by twee jokes, he is the definition of the term.
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