Gmail IMAP Watch, Day 8
I guess I have to find something to write about now.
I guess I have to find something to write about now.
I know it may seem like it’s been all Google all the time round here lately, but how the hell did this news story get associated with this photo?
Also get that other headline: “Laura Bush won’t vote for Hillary Clinton.” Now there’s news.
Update: Dorothea informs me in comments that Ms Bush recently went on a breast cancer awareness tour in the Middle East, which explains the graphic. Thanks for the explanation. This still doesn’t exactly seem like the best choice of illustration for the story, though.
Technorati Tags: google
Oh yeah? Here’s your support question:
I don’t even want your stinky Google-fected IMAP. Ha. Oh, all right, I do.
Still just POPped.
Afternoon update (2pm EDT): Just logged out and in; still no IMAP.
Ars reviews Google’s OCRopus scanning software. We may play with this a bit internally; everybody seems to use Abbyy, but everyone also seems to think that OCR pretty universally sucks, based on the anecdotal evidence I have heard. What I found especially interesting in this review was the huge difference in results from sans-serif rather than serif text:
The following examples show the typical output quality of OCRopus:
Tpo’ much is takgn, much abjdegi qngi tlpugh we arg not pow Wat strength whipl} in old days Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, We are; QpeAequal_tgmper of hqoic hgarts, E/[ade Qeak by Eirpe ang fqte, lgut strong will To strive, to Seek, to hnd, and not to y{eld.
Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and though We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield
Night and day. Of course almost everything we would possibly be hoping to OCR would be serif text. Ain’t it allus the way.
Technorati Tags: digital libraries, digital_libraries, digitization, google, google books, libraries, linux, ocr, scanning, ubuntu
While reading a Kevin Kelly post about an HG Wells novel that actually was credited in real scientific work, I saw this graphic:
And thought “Cool! A link to the book in the Internet Archive!” Alas, I was wrong. Not only was the image not linked to the IA copy – the image wasn’t linked to anything – the link later in the post was your standard Amazon Associate link. Disappointing. So I’ll right that wrong here:
Go forth and read freely.
Technorati Tags:, ia, libraries, oca, openlibrary
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