Quick linkdump

No Tenure for Technorati: Science and the social web

So the problem is that people with common knowledge don’t share it with each other, simply because of social competition (and time constraints, but that’s for another post). It’s not a matter of “web 2.0 technology will trump old ways of sharing stuff” (a statement I tend to believe is true) but a matter of “stuff that doesn’t get shared anyway isn’t likely to get shared simply because the technology exists to share it.”

Put simply, if a scientist isn’t going to say it to her colleagues at a conference, she probably isn’t going to blog it.

What Are Information Resources Good For?

It’s hard to understand what benefit the introduction of information resources has to the Web architecture. It definitely has drawbacks. For a start it forces all non-information resources off of the web entirely – they’re not allowed to respond with 200 status codes to GET requests. It encourages non-information resources to use of URIs containing fragment identifiers which, as I’ve pointed out, are a very broken piece of architecture and are leading to the formation of a sort of shadow web.

100 Notable Books of 2007
No word on which were read halfway through at the beach.